%w(hashrockets spaceships bangbangs)

> non-optimized bits & pieces <


One anti-pattern that i come across very frequently while doing rails (& activerecord) related work is that alot of times, people tend to do DOP (database oriented programming), when they should instead be doing OOP (object oriented programming).

Most of the applications we write require support for:

  • modelling our business knowledge, AND
  • persisting the state of business entities

In most rails apps, the above functionalities are provided by the model layer, which in turn is powered by the orm framework (usually activerecord). It is important to bear in mind the priority ~ the modelling of business knowledge. Persistence gets into the equation only when we want to persist the application’s state.

By placing higher priority on business modelling & less on persistence, we better allocate our resources to tackle changes in business logic, abstracting & minimising changes required on (or necessitated by) the persistence layer.

Let’s set the stage for the classic join-model example of students attending a class, & how DOP & OOP tackle fare against each other:

class Clazz
  has_many :participations
  has_many :students, :through => :participations

class Student
  has_many :participations
  has_many :clazzes, :through => :participations

class Participation
  belongs_to :clazz
  belongs_to :student

1) The DOP Way

Base on the original modelling:

Participation.create(:clazz => physics_class, :student => alice)

What if there comes a day we need to rename Participation to ClazzParticipation ? Besides renaming the class Participation, you also need to:

  • change the above Participation.create to ClazzParticipation.create
  • declare the :class_name for Student#participations & Clazz#participations

Changes necessitated by change in business requirements are inevitable in software engineering, but the above changes are unnecesssary & as the cause comes from the persistent side, rather than the business side.

Let’s improve on this DOP way by trying the hybrid approach.

2) The Hybrid Way

Using the original modelling, we do:

physics_class.participations.create(:student => alice)

This is better than the pure DOP approach. When renaming of Participation to ClazzParticipation is required, besides the obvious renaming of the class Participation, you just need to:

  • declare the :class_name for Student#participations & Clazz#participations

Pretty good, but bare in mind that this approach is forcing other engineers to be aware that:

in order to add alice (student) to physics_class (class), you create a participation for alice w.r.t physics_class

Clearly, it is still very database centric. This approach misses the essence of OOP ~ encapsulation. It exposes & forces anyone to be aware of:

  • the underlying join association Clazz#participations, AND
  • you have to call Clazz#participations.create, AND
  • you have to pass the argument :student => alice

Can we make it better ?? Of couse we can, let’s try the following more OOP approach:

3) The OOP Way

With the original modelling,

physics_class.students << alice


in order to add alice (student) to physics_class (class), you just add alice to its list of students

That’s it !! If renaming of Participation to ClazzParticipation is required, the changes required is the same as the above hybrid approach.

Summing Up

How do you know u are doing DOP or OOP ? I guess if you are doing good OOP,

the code should be so simple that it just reads :)
